Welcome To The Galaxy

The Galaxy is an ongoing project that aims to
1) collect as much information concerning the musical work of Mark Oliver Everett/EELS in a structured format and make it available on the web
2) to provide users an interactive role, the opportunity to add information based on facts as well as personal experience.

Please join with THE EELS POLL 2013!

The 2013 poll is now open for voting. Four years and four albums since the last poll, let's see what's changed! You need to vote to see the (intermediate) poll results. You need to sign up to vote, if you haven't already done so previously.

THE EELS POLL 2008 & 2009 are closed

The 2009 as well as the 2008 final poll results can be viewed by any visitor of this website! You can also see which votes you made back then, if voted in this poll, at the same page. They will appear on the screen if you have logged in.

Why signing up?

Signing up at The Galaxy means becoming a member of this community. Users are able to fill in certain missing information and comment on songs (for example, to talk about the meaning of the lyrics and give their personal interpretations).